
Dener Ceide

Dener Ceide naît à Cherettes, une localité de Saint-Louis du Sud en 1979. Artiste dans l’âme,


Bernie Sanders open to supporting primary challenges against Sinema and Manchin – live – The Guardian

Bernie Sanders open to supporting primary challenges against Sinema and Manchin – live – The Guardian

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5.16pm GMT17:16

4.50pm GMT16:50

Later today, Joe Biden will hold the 10th press conference of his presidency, far fewer than any of his recent predecessors during their first year in office.

In a sharp shift from Donald Trump, Biden has said journalists are “indispensable to the functioning of democracy”, which the president has repeatedly warned is under threat at home and abroad. Yet press access to the president has been limited.

Biden has held just nine formal news conferences during his first year, according to research compiled by Martha Joynt Kumar, director of the White House Transition Project. Trump had held 22 and Barack Obama 27 at the same point in their presidencies.

Only Ronald Reagan, whose public appearances were scaled back following an assassination attempt in March 1981, held fewer press conferences during his first year. But Reagan did 59 interviews that year, compared with Biden, who has only done 22.

Trump, who labeled the media the “enemy of the American people” and once praised a congressman who assaulted a reporter, did 92 interviews during his first year.

Biden does field questions more frequently than his predecessors, but takes fewer of them, according to Kumar’s tally. These impromptu exchanges with reporters often follow scheduled remarks or public appearances.

“For the president, it is a question of how do you use your time?” Kumar said. “And for Biden, he has wanted to use his time negotiating privately on his policies.”

Read the Guardian’s full report:

4.30pm GMT16:30

Biden to hold press conference amid struggles to pass voting rights bill

at 4.30pm GMT

4.04pm GMT16:04

3.52pm GMT15:52

at 3.54pm GMT

3.25pm GMT15:25

Manchin to deliver floor speech on voting rights and filibuster reform

3.09pm GMT15:09

Kelly backs rule changes to get voting rights bill passed

at 3.12pm GMT

2.46pm GMT14:46

Republican redistricting weakens influence of minority voters, report finds

Republicans are severely distorting district lines to their advantage and weakening the influence of minority voters as they draw new district lines across the country, according to a new report by the Brennan Center for Justice.

The report, which examines the state of play of the ongoing decennial redistricting cycle, notes that Republicans are shielding their efforts to dismantle minority districts by arguing that the new lines are based on partisanship.

While racial discrimination in redistricting is illegal, the US supreme court said in 2019 that discrimination based on partisanship was acceptable.

Brennan Center

Many of the voter maps coming out of the 2021-22 redistricting cycle entrench racial discrimination and partisan gerrymanders. The Freedom to Vote: John Lewis Act offers critical protections that would make a difference in time for the midterms. https://t.co/ZWL0STc5JP

January 19, 2022

“This cycle is seeing unprecedented efforts to undermine the political power of Black, Latino, Asian, and Native communities through redistricting, especially in southern states that, for the first time in more than half a century, are no longer covered by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act,” the report says.

“Some of the most aggressive attacks on minority power are coming in the suburbs of southern states like Texas and Georgia. There, Republicans have surgically dismantled rapidly diversifying districts where communities of color have enjoyed increasing electoral success in recent years,” it adds.

The report also notes that Republicans, who have complete control over the drawing of 187 of the US House’s 435 districts, are making districts much less competitive.

Donald Trump won 54 districts by 15 or more points in states where the GOP controls redistricting under old maps. Under the new plan, that number increases to 70.

The redistricting cycle is still ongoing. New York, Tennessee, and Missouri are still among the states where lawmakers are drawing new maps.

2.34pm GMT14:34

2.30pm GMT14:30

Sanders suggests he may back primary challenges to Sinema and Manchin

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