Dener Ceide

Dener Ceide naît à Cherettes, une localité de Saint-Louis du Sud en 1979. Artiste dans l’âme,


Ecuador landslide: at least 24 dead after hillside collapses in capital Quito – The Guardian

Ecuador landslide: at least 24 dead after hillside collapses in capital Quito – The Guardian

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Landslide sends waves of mud through streets of Ecuadorian capital Quito – video


Witness describes water and rocks pouring in through doors and windows before buildings destroyed

Associated Press

A rain-weakened hillside collapsed in Ecuador’s capital, Quito, sweeping over homes and a sports field and killing at least 24 people, city officials have said.

The Quito Security Department also said on Tuesday that 32 people were injured and eight houses had collapsed, with more damaged.

Neighbours joined rescue workers in hunting through the ruins for survivors of the disaster that hit after nearly 24 hours of rainfall.

Soldiers work to rescue victims of the landslide. Photograph: Agencia Press South/Getty Images

The storm was pounding outside when Imelda Pacheco said she felt her house move as if an earthquake had struck. Suddenly water and rocks began to pour in through doors and windows and she fled before the building was destroyed.

“I barely had time to grab the hand of my four-year-old son and I ran to the stairs, to the terrace. Suddenly the walls in front and to the side disappeared,” she told the Associated Press.

“We shouted to the neighbours on the first floor, but the water carried away the mother and daughter,” she said, standing before the ruins of her home.

“I thought I was going to die with my son. I hugged him strongly and we shook, I think from the cold and the fear … We barely survived,” she added.

Waves of mud, some three metres (10ft) high, carried away vehicles, motorcycles, rubbish bins and other debris in the neighbourhoods of La Gasca and La Comuna below the slopes of the Ruco Pinchincha mountain.

Rescue workers sift through the mud left by the landslide in Quito. Photograph: Agencia Press South/Getty Images

As the rescue began, police called for silence so the cries of those trapped could be heard.

Quito mayor Santiago Guarderas said the intense rains had saturated the soils, setting off the landslide.

Smaller waves of muddy water continued pouring down on Tuesday morning past residents trying to shift stones, tree trunks and debris. An overturned taxi and other vehicles were partly buried in mud on a sports field.

“I’ve lost everything. I don’t have anything. Everything is over,” said 65-year-old Laura Quiñónez, who stood beside an ambulance as her neighbours tried to recover appliances from their destroyed homes.












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