Dener Ceide

Dener Ceide naît à Cherettes, une localité de Saint-Louis du Sud en 1979. Artiste dans l’âme,


Horoscope for the Week of January 9, 2022, Weekly Horoscope –

Horoscope for the Week of January 9, 2022, Weekly Horoscope –

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Overview: Don’t panic, but the first Mercury Retrograde of the year begins on Friday! Let’s get prepared, not scared. Until February 3, this Mercury Retrograde will have us rethinking our social system and reuniting with friends we’ve missed. This could create some petty drama, so stay nonreactive, boundaried, and compassionate.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Who can you rely on, Aries? Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled friendship sector beginning on Friday until February 3, inspiring you to think about who’s made the cut in 2022. You’ll want to review everything you’ve contributed in your friendships and have honest conversations about what you’re hoping for with your closest BFFs.


Your competence is a given, Taurus. What about your connections? Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled career zone on Friday until February 3, inspiring you to rethink your work connections and how improving those relationships improves your career. Showcase the best of your social skills for immediately positive professional results!


Bon voyage, Gemini! Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius ruled travel, vision, and wisdom sector on Friday until February 3rd. So even if you’re not leaving on a jet plane, you’re going on a journey of some kind. You’ll be learning new ways of being, feeling, and behaving that inspires a brand-new chapter of your life story on the other side of the retrograde.


Let them “see” you, Cancer. Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled intimacy zone on Friday until February 3, and you’ll be inspired to reveal more of your inner world for intimacy’s sake. Think about how you can self-disclose safely but vulnerably with people you trust in order to maximize the passion and the space between you and your loved ones.


Blast from the past, Leo? Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled romance zone on Friday until February 3, and you’ll be inspired to rethink romances and relationships from the past. This is tricky territory, but if you lead with an open heart and some healthy boundaries, you’ll have healing conversations and experiences that might even induce more closure.


Get back to your routine, Virgo! Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled habits, routines, and wellbeing zone on Friday until February 3, inspiring you to commit and innovate your habits. Start small if you have to because you’ll be amazed how quickly those little habits make a big difference. Little by little, you’ll have your best mental, emotional, and spiritual health.


What are you not saying, Libra? Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled vulnerability sector on Friday until February 3, inspiring you to share an important truth, hope, fear, and/or desire with someone who needs to hear it. When you see vulnerability as your strength, you’ll begin accessing some of the most meaningful experiences of your entire life.


Name the feels, Scorpio! Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled home, family, and emotionality zone on Friday until February 3, inspiring you to name what you’re feeling in real time. So often we all wait and/or talk ourselves of our emotional communication, but this retrograde wants you to find power in getting curious and communicative about your feels.


Put the “commune” in communication, Sagittarius! Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled language and communication zone, inspiring you to move from monologue to dialogue. Try asking thoughtful, open-ended questions when you’re talking to someone for magical results.


Happy birthday, Capricorn! Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled income and safety zone on Friday until February 3, and you’ll be looking to ground down a bit on what you value. Think not just about financial security but also what you personally value.


The transformation continues, Aquarius! This last year was life-changing, and when Mercury retrogrades in your sign on Friday, you’re being encouraged to integrate and examine all that you’ve learned about yourself. Then, you’ll want to determine how to apply these new learnings into your life so that you can live from the learning with authenticity.


It can be “real” but not true, Pisces. Mercury will retrograde in your Aquarius-ruled closure zone until February 3, helping you identity and hopefully let go of all that holds you back from your highest and brightest potential. Remember, your fears appear real, but they’re not always true. Experiment with more faith, optimism, and hope!

Colin Bedell
Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York and a two-time graduate of the New School with his Bachelor’s in Literature from Eugene Lang College and Master’s in Fashion Studies from Parsons School of Design.

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