Dener Ceide

Dener Ceide naît à Cherettes, une localité de Saint-Louis du Sud en 1979. Artiste dans l’âme,


Landslide destroys Magnolia home, hurts two people – KIRO Seattle

Landslide destroys Magnolia home, hurts two people – KIRO Seattle

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SEATTLE — A landslide in Magnolia sent mud and debris coursing down a hill near 2400 Perkins Lane Friday afternoon. It slammed into a home and pushed the house 20 feet off its foundation.

Two people and two dogs were home at the time. A woman was able to escape on her own, but the slide trapped the man in the basement, prompting a major rescue response from the Seattle Fire Department.

Neighbors on Perkins Lane say they heard a boom.

“It almost sounded like a big wave hit the land,” said one neighbor who lives nearby.

Quickly they found out part of the hillside gave way, and then slammed into the house

“The house completely pancaked onto the first story. When we arrived on scene, that person was actually trapped in the basement of the home covered in debris,” said Kristin Tinsley, spokesperson for the Seattle Fire Department.

Chopper7 shows you the rescue from Seattle Fire, where you can see crews pulling the man out from a hole they cut into the house. The team had to shore up the debris as they went along to make a safe path to reach the victim.

“The whole second story just collapsed onto the first story. He was near a refrigerator which helped hold up some of the structural beams,” said Lt. Colin McElroy with Seattle Fire Rescue 1.

Crews assessed the victim on the lawn before loading him onto a gurney and into an ambulance.

Simultaneously, crews worked to put out a fire near propane tanks that sparked when the landslide hit the property.

Both the woman and man who live at the residence went to the hospital in stable condition, but fire crews recovered a pet dog that died in the slide, and say another dog is missing

Neighbors say they’re grateful the situation wasn’t even worse.

“He’s doing well for what happened,” said neighbor Steve Handley.

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