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In a roundtable hearing before Congress on Thursday, former Washington employee Tiffani Johnston accused Washington Commanders owner Daniel Snyder of unwelcome physical contact and an unwanted advance during and after a business dinner. Snyder called the allegations “outright lies.”
According to the NFL, Johnston’s allegations were not made as part of the 10-month investigation conducted by attorney Beth Wilkinson.
“The NFL is reviewing and will consider Ms. Johnston’s allegations as we would any other new allegations regarding workplace misconduct at the Washington Commanders,” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement issued after Thursday’s session. “We will determine any further action as appropriate.”
It’s unclear why Johnston didn’t cooperate with the investigation, given her willingness to testify publicly today. Regardless, the appropriate further action is simple, and clear. If Wilkinson truly hasn’t already investigated Johnston’s claims, Wilkinson should be re-engaged to do so now. And the league should not hide Wilkinson’s ultimate determination as to whether Johnston or Snyder are telling the truth.
Former Washington employee Jason Friedman corroborated Johnston’s claims. He can be interviewed, too. Along with anyone else who may have any relevant information to share. That’s the right and proper way to proceed. And it’s also right and proper to announce the findings, not bury them.