Jack Osbourne, the 36-year-old son of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, is engaged to his girlfriend of over two years, Aree Gearhart.
Osbourne broke the news of the engagement in an Instagram post on Thursday (December 30). “Today I asked the most beautiful and loving woman I’ve ever met to marry me. She said yes!!” he captioned a selfie of himself and his fiancée.
“Life is a series of doors and I’m so excited to walk through this one with her. She’s truly a magical being with a heart bigger than anything I could have imagined,” Osbourne continued, adding, “Her step-mom skills make my heart so full. I couldn’t be happier than I am right now.”
Gearhart, who is an interior designer, shared the same photo on her Instagram and wrote: “Today my best friend asked me to marry him in a magical winter wonderland,” the interior designer sweetly captioned the photo. I’ll love you forever and then some @jackosbourne. my soulmate, my adventure partner, my protector. i’m ready for forever w you + our tribe.”
Sharon congratulated the couple, writing, “Ozzy and I couldn’t be happier and more proud of our son Jack‘s engagement to Aree Gearhart. We are so blessed to have Aree as part of our family and we wish them a lifetime of love, light and happiness.”
Jack‘s sister Kelly captioned a photo of her and Gearhart on her Instagram Story, “We are family.” She also commented on Gearhart‘s photo of her and her brother, writing, “I’m so so so beyond happy!!! Now we really are sisters!!!! I love you so much. Welcome to the family!!!!”
Jack was previously married to Lisa Stelly from 2012 to 2019. They share three daughters together, Pearl, 9, Andy, 6, and Minnie, 3.
Jack and Aree went public with their relationship in November 2019 when they attended the American Music Awards together.
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A post shared by aree gearhart (@seecreature)
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A post shared by Sharon Osbourne (@sharonosbourne)
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