The city’s top cop said Tuesday he is unaware of any NYPD officers who submitted bogus COVID-19 vaccination cards, after The Post revealed scofflaw firefighters and sanitation workers are in the crosshairs of probers.
“I can tell you we’ve had zero occurrences of that reported to my knowledge internally in the NYPD,” Police Commissioner Dermot Shea told NY1. “I’m also … not aware of our role in any investigation, although I will check as it pertains to that and outside agencies.
“I think anyone doing that is, you know, No. 1, it’s a foolish thing to do,” he said of city workers, including cops, firefighters and sanitation staffers, who are required to get the vaccine and who submit fake proof.
“No. 2, you’re potentially opening yourself up to criminal investigation,” Shea said. “So get the shot, and let’s keep moving forward.”

As of Tuesday morning, 87 percent of the NYPD had been vaccinated, according to Shea.
Meanwhile, about 6,100 police department members have submitted “reasonable accommodation requests” for religious or medical exemptions from the requirement, the top cop said.
That means they can stay on the job even without the vaccine, while those who refuse to get the shot are put on unpaid leave.
As for the FDNY, department officials have called the leaders of at least one union, Local 2507 Uniformed EMTs and Paramedics, to let them know of an investigation into members who submitted forged vaccination cards, a source has told The Post.

The scheme appears to involve the theft of the blank cards from the FDNY’s Brooklyn headquarters and other facilities where the department was offering jabs, the source said.
An FDNY spokesman refused to comment. Oren Barzilay, the head of the EMS union, did not return requests for comment.
Within the city Sanitation Department, at least 50 workers have already been suspended for providing fake vaccine verification, which they allegedly obtained through people affiliated with CVS drugstores in Staten Island and Brooklyn, department sources told The Post. Up to 150 people could be involved in the scheme, sources said.

A CVS rep said the company was unaware of any incidents of vaccine card fraud allegedly involving its stores in the two boroughs.
Sanitation spokesman Joshua Goodman said his department is “actively investigating” the workers who submitted the phony proof — calling the allegations “very concerning.”
The city Department of Investigation only said it is aware of the situation.