Actress Kiara Advani, who shared the screen with Vicky Kaushal in the hit web series’ Lust Stories’ has become the latest star to state she has not received her invitation for the wedding. In a chat with Agenda AajTak, the actress was asked seemed rather surprised when asked if the invite came to her in the mail. Interestingly, she said, “Really? Suna toh hai par pata nahi, mujhe toh invite nahi kiya.”
This update comes just days after Salman Khan‘s sister, Arpita Khan Sharma revealed that the family had not received an invite and hence, will not be a part of the festivities. Those celebrities who will reportedly be present at the wedding include Karan Johar, Ali Abbas Zafar, Rohit Shetty, Kabir Khan, among others.
Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif will tie the knot in a grand ceremony in Rajasthan on December 9.
The couple has booked the Six Senses Fort in Barwara in Sawai Madhopur as the venue for their magical destination wedding.
ETimes reported that the 120 odd guests have all been given a secret code to enter the premises. While the couple has kept mum about the big day, the district collector of Sawai Madhopur confirmed that the celebrity wedding will be taking place this week and held an administrative meeting on Friday to decipher the law and order situation.
The latest reports suggest that double vaccination certificates and RT-PCR tests are mandatory for all guests attending the wedding.